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Subliminal Messages in Advertising

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pleasurable Profits VI, The Excel YOUR Finishing Skills Subliminal Video

Pleasurable Profits VI The Excel YOUR Finishing Skills Subliminal Video

Pleasurable Profits VI, The Excel YOUR Finishing Skills Subliminal Video

YOU are Powerful, Determined, Disciplined, Attractive, Rich & Sexy! Because of YOUR STRONG Finishing Skills, YOU are able to ENJOY a life that most people only dream about… or read in a magazine… or see on TV.


Now Released: Pleasurable Profits VI, The Excel YOUR Finishing Skills Subliminal Video


 Pay close attention…

There is an *Underground Switch* in our minds that dictates whether we experience pain or pleasure from the impulses coming in from our nervous system.

99.9% of the "pain" experienced on this planet is mental, emotional or spiritual. .1% of cases actually have REAL physical pain. However, THIS "pain" is what keeps people from actually experiencing the JOY and LOVE and PRIDE that comes from going through the "Pain". The Excel YOUR Finishing Skills Subliminal Video actually turns YOUR "pain" into REAL PLEASURE. It makes YOU understand — DEEPLY — that "pain" is just an illusion… "fear" is just an illusion…

What IS REAL is:

- YOU are more POWERFUL than YOU ever thought possible!
- The pain YOU experience when contemplating the things YOU "fear" — DISSOLVE!!
- YOUR WHOLE LIFE is now about experiencing ONLY pleasure!
- YOU actually look for things that YOU are afraid of and DO THEM to test Yourself… and end up laughing because of all the time YOU actually believed it was real.
- YOU have a whole new life ahead of YOU that YOU embrace, love, enjoy and excel at.
- YOU have just experienced a "glimpse" of the NEW life that is waiting for YOU!
- When YOU see something YOU want, YOU GO AFTER IT 110% – QUICKLY!!

Click Here To Download Pleasurable Profits VI, The Excel YOUR Finishing Skills Subliminal Video & Get Immediate Access

When we talk about "being the best we can be" and "making it happen", what normally happens is that people experience "pain" and procrastinate, change the subject and "hide" through all sorts of addictions and unproductive habits to ease the "pain".

Don't misunderstand, we know that this "pain" is real… we know that these "addictions" are real… They are "real" because YOU are experiencing them. Who cares where they came from or what they are based on… IT SUCKS!


There is A *Classified Solution*!!!

"Three Words… I'M FINALLY FREE!

Amazing things happened to me when I used Pleasurable Profits VI, The Excel YOUR Finishing Skills Subliminal Video every day for 3 months!

Surprisingly, I advanced incredibly in many areas…

1- I doubled my income… 3 MONTHS-IN-A-ROW!!!!

2- I shed A LOT of body fat that was slowing me down!

3- I have AMAZING CONFIDENCE which gives me the POWER to take confident action instantly… and stay confident.

4- I've had more HOT dates in the last 3 months than I've had in the last 3 years!

5- The possibilities are limitless…

This Subliminal Video Technology from Nelson Berry is worth 1000 times what YOU pay for it!! Be WISE and try it and see if it does the same for YOU. I bet it will… if it works for me, it WILL work for YOU"

Max Thompson, Huntington Beach, CA USA

Click Here To Download Pleasurable Profits VI, The Excel YOUR Finishing Skills Subliminal Video & Get Immediate Access

After YOU Watch The Pleasurable Profits VI, The Excel YOUR Finishing Skills Subliminal Video, YOU:

1- Generate Increases Across The Board!

2- Allow YOUR REAL Personality to Kick In With Passion!

3- Realize FULL Compensation For YOUR Download Within 24 hours!

4- Can NOW Afford The Lifestyle YOU Desire & Deserve!

5- Contribute MORE to YOUR Bank Account than EVER BEFORE!

6- Chance Upon a Variety of Arousing Opportunities to Satisfy "Urges"!

7- OOZE a "Radiating Confidence" seldom emitted, seen or felt!

8- Realize a real "Manipulative Control" over YOUR income, YOUR life, YOUR results and ALL PARTS of YOUR Existence & FUN!

9- Possess a Superior Mystical Ability for Stimulating Arousal, Desire, Involvement and Accomplishment!

10- Accelerate YOUR Creativity, Acquirements and Accomplishments TEN-TIMES-FASTER than normal… GUARANTEED!!

Click Here To Download Pleasurable Profits VI, The Excel YOUR Finishing Skills Subliminal Video & Get Immediate Access

After YOU Watch The Pleasurable Profits VI, The Excel YOUR Finishing Skills Subliminal Video… YOU ARE IN CHARGE!

Risk Free — 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!

The choice is YOURS … What Are YOU Going To Do?

Click Here To Download Pleasurable Profits VI, The Excel YOUR Finishing Skills Subliminal Video & Get Immediate Access

With Respect,

Nelson Berry
Subliminal Video Messages

PS. We do not have unlimited copies of this available due to licensing issues. If YOU want this, YOU better download RIGHT NOW — TODAY to Secure YOUR Prosperity!

Click Here To Download Pleasurable Profits VI, The Excel YOUR Finishing Skills Subliminal Video & Get Immediate Access 

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