Subliminal Messages in Advertising

Subliminal Messages in Advertising
Subliminal Messages in Advertising

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Subliminal Messages in Songs


Subliminal Messages in Songs


Subliminal Messages in Songs

Subliminal Messages in Songs has been and will a significant controversy and very controversial to the average person. Many people think to themselves, how can I be controlled by Subliminal Messages in Songs? How do they add subliminal messages to music? Are they backmasking songs and adding them to subliminal messages music videos? Are they including Subliminal Messages Lyrics into a Subliminal Video on MTV for example?

Subliminal Messages Rock Songs

There have been subliminal messages in rock songs since the beginning of songs. There are certain "tones" in the songs that director Stanley Kubrick used in the film Eyes Wide Shut that are universal and communicate a evil, or mid evil subliminal message. The most famous was the Judas Priest trial that one of their rocks songs contained subliminal messages that made a kid commit suicide. There are not only subliminal messages in rock songs, there are subliminal messages in rap music, subliminal messages in country music, subliminal messages in pop music.

Subliminal Messages Lyrics

Subliminal Messages in Lyrics is just like subliminal messages in advertising and ANY advertising for that matter. Subliminal Messages Lyrics communicate diverse meanings, However, in many cases, I wouldn't consider them subliminal messages. They are simply great songs that you can FEEL. Lyrics by themselves are powerful. For them to qualify as Subliminal Messages, they would need to be analyzed with a subliminal analysis by a professional like Nelson Berry to decode the different subliminal messages that are on a "Subliminal Messages" song that might include stacking on multiple frequencies. The conscious lyrics that you can consciously hear with your ears is what the message is. The concept of Subliminal Messages in Lyrics doesn't stand up as much as Subliminal Messages in Songs.

Subliminal Messages Music Videos

Subliminal Messages Music Videos are fascinating. I love watching the Subliminal Messages in music videos as much as the music videos themselves. The subliminal messages contained in subliminal messages music videos can contain BOTH:

Subliminal Messages Video

Subliminal Messages in Video would include flashing images and flashing words.

Subliminal Messages Audio

Subliminal Messages in Audio of a specific Music Video might contain backmasking, frequency stacking in post production, and even the harmony singers, with the proper volume adjustment can become subliminal messages when the producers lower it to a whisper.

Backmasking Songs

Backmasking songs is what many people to consider to be a subliminal message. Backmasking in songs is when they reverse a certain part of the recording and "play it in reverse" in real time with the song that you are listening to. It can not be consciously interpreted without sound equipment that can isolate and reverse the speech so that it can be re-reversed and interpreted. Reverse speech, playing songs in reverse and spinning an LP backwards on a turntable can drive you crazy... and the truth is... if you listen hard enough... you can find words and phrases in songs that are VERY hard to interpret... meaning that the producer, nor the songwriter meant for it to be there... you can EASILY witness this on YouTube and Google Video.... many are VERY far fetched. However, there are many intentional subliminal messages in songs.

Subliminal Songs

Subliminal Songs are available from many artists. With OBVIOUS intent. The most commonly known are Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden and Missy Elliot.

Others include:

Sheryl Crow 
Miley Cyrus 
Michael Jackson 
Justin Bieber 
Led Zeppelin 
Enrique Iglesias 
Lil Wayne 
Taylor Swift 
Jenni Rivera 
Lady Gaga 
Alicia Keys 
Jennifer Lopez 
Linkin Park 
50 Cent
Mariah Carey
R. Kelly 
Britney Spears 
Los Temerarios 
Celine Dion 
Los Bukis 
Avril Lavigne 
Guns N' Roses 
Backstreet Boys 
Kenny G 
Lucky Dube 
Green Day 
Sex Gang Children
Chris Brown 
Avenged Sevenfold 
Sergio Vega 
Laura Pausini 
Lil' Boosie 
Al Jarreau 
A.R. Rahman 
Marco Antonio Solís 
Shania Twain 
Black Eyed Peas 
Eros Ramazzotti 
Bon Jovi 
Don Moen 
Walter Hawkins 

Here are a list of artists and places that we have found to have subliminal messages:


Subliminal Video

Subliminal Video is comprised of words and images flashing at approximately 1/30th of a second during a video. This would be considered one frame of the movie or video.

Subliminal Messages Songs Download

Subliminal Messages Songs Download are hard to find because of the copyright laws that are in place. We can't take a song that you like and commercially mix a subliminal message into it. That is why we teach you how to make your own subliminal messages songs for yourself.

Add Subliminal Messages Music

How to Add Subliminal Messages to Music to make subliminal messages music is what we do and have been doing for the last 20 years. We can show you how to do it too.


Nelson Berry is the creator of Subliminal Messages for Subliminal Videos and Subliminal Audio that can all be found here at Nelson Berry Subliminal Messages Blog. Huge improvement can be yours by using Subliminal Messages to Improve YOUR life and the lives of those you care about. There are several Free Subliminal Messages Downloads available there.





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