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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Self Help Cognitive Behavior Modification – 4 Steps to Changing Your Behavior by Changing Your Thoughts


Self Help Cognitive Behavior Modification – 4 Steps to Changing Your Behavior by Changing Your Thoughts


Cognitive behavior modification is a form of therapy that is widely used by psychologists to help patients overcome problematic behavior and habits. This involves a process that begins by changing thoughts, as the primary means to change behavior. The main theory that powers cognitive behavior therapy is that any dysfunctional or disadvantageous behavior of a person is caused by negative thoughts or perception that take root in that person's own mind.


The presence of these negative thoughts is a bit perplexing; it seems that we are simply and naturally very sensitive to negative influences that cause us to also think negatively. In almost all our endeavors, don't we often find ourselves thinking along these lines:


I can't do it.

This is impossible for me.

They don't like me.

I am worthless.

My work is worthless.

I will not be successful.

I am afraid.


When you think that way, it completely distorts your outlook and this manifests in your behavior.


So if you have some behavior patterns or habits that you find destructive or damaging to your life or to specific aspects of it, you will definitely benefit from cognitive behavior modification.


Unfortunately, self help cognitive behavior modification can be a challenge because many people are simply not open to change. And change is the cornerstone of this therapy.


But if you have the right amount of discipline, you can modify your behavior by changing your thoughts, all by following these few simple steps:


1. Be aware of your thoughts. The first step in cognitive behavior modification is to make yourself acutely aware of your thoughts. You cannot change your thoughts if you do not first make yourself familiar with them. This is often an enlightening step for many people as they see just how they unknowingly drive their own lives to destruction by the way they think.


Sometimes negative feelings lead to negative behavior. Sometimes, the negativity limits action, thus hindering you from reaching your full potential or from seeing your worth.


2. Stop negative thoughts in their tracks. The moment you become aware of your negative thoughts, tell yourself mentally to just "stop." This requires a high level of mental awareness and will, but with practice you will find it easier to recognize negative self talk and put a stop to them. See, if you stop the negative thoughts, then they don't transform into behavior anymore.


3. Replace negativity with positivity. Once you stop the negativity, quickly replace them with positive thoughts. The negative self talk above may be replaced with positive thoughts such as:


I can do it.

I can do anything I set my mind to.

I am naturally likable and attractive.

I am capable.

I make important and valuable contributions.

Success comes naturally to me.

I am confident.


Doing this thought-replacement process is part of a self help cognitive behavior modification therapy you can do on your own. Some people need help from psychologists for the first two steps in the process because it is hard to spot negative perceptions that disguise themselves as truths. But this third step is something you can easily do on your own.


4. Stick with the process. One important ingredient in the success of any cognitive behavior modification process is continuity. So make sure to stick with the process until you see positive changes in your life.

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