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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Subliminal Messages - Keeping Police Officer Stress at Bay with Emotional and Mental Conditioning


Subliminal Messages - Keeping Police Officer Stress at Bay with Emotional and Mental Conditioning


Are you on the law enforcement business? If so, you have one of the most dangerous and demanding jobs around. So if the typical person working in an office all day succumbs to stress, then you have double the risk.


The threat of dangerous situations constantly hangs over your head, and that can cause physical stress during training and in actual encounters with violent and life threatening situations, and can also bring severe mental stress. The knowledge of your duty, the need for sacrifice, and the constant reminder that violent and dangerous things happen on a daily basis can have a heavy effect on the psyche of any person.


Aside from that, the long hours of the job can also have an effect on your family and relationships. The only way that police officer stress won't overwhelm you and endanger your life and all other aspects of it is if you know how to handle the pressures and demands of the job and keep them under control.  


For this, you need excellent stress management techniques. To keep yourself from drowning in the pressure, demand, suspicions, and fear that usually accompany police officer stress, you also have to tend to your emotional and mental needs, not just your physical needs.


1. Emotional needs. Even the most dedicated police officers need some time away from the job. In your regular free days, make sure to spend as much time as you can with people who are important to you. Not being with your family or loved ones can add emotional stress and the need for belongingness to your already long list of sacrificed needs.


Fortunately, meeting the emotional need for love, belongingness, and family relationships is up to you. All you have to do is schedule a regular time each week for people important to you. This can help take a huge load of stress from your shoulders.


2. Mental needs. So you've been through all the required police officer trainings and you're in top shape. But is it enough to train your body? Don't forget to train your mind as well.


What you don't know is that all your experiences, including the most gruesome and traumatic crime scenes or shootouts, get recorded in a deep part of your mind: the subconscious. The subconscious takes them all in and stores them. Your big problem is, the subconscious is very powerful in that it can influence people's actions and behaviors, even against the decision or will of the conscious mind.


So even if you have a pretty strong grip on reality, everything the subconscious absorbs can somehow plant fear, doubt, and other negative things in your head. And given everything a police officer sees, the human psyche is simply not made for so much negative feedback as that a police officer receives.


Precincts usually have full-time counselors who can help you deal with traumatic situations and the mental stress they can cause. However, you can also take charge of your own mental health.


Train your mind by using self help subliminal messages. Subliminal messages are messages sent directly to the subconscious. By constantly filling your head with positive thoughts and beliefs, the mind will be trained to focus on positive things. So even if you see the most gruesome of all crime scenes, your mind will be trained to block them, so you won't easily succumb to mental stress and trauma.


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