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Subliminal Messages in Advertising

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Money Mentalism IV, The $1000 Per Hour Subliminal Video

Money Mentalism IV, The $1000 Per Hour Subliminal Video

There are many ways to make money and THE BEST Kind of Money is FREE MONEY!

Imagine a slot machine that for every dollar you put in…   It Kicked $100 Out.

Sound Good So Far?

Now let's expand on that for a moment…

Imagine that you had a "10 Minute Ritual" that would PAY YOU 100 Times your Investment…

- You Put in 10 Minutes…  YOU SAVE 1000 Minutes!

- You Put in 20 Minutes…  YOU SAVE 2000 Minutes!!

Now Released: Money Mentalism IV, The $1000 Per Hour Subliminal Video

What Am I Saying?

I AM GUARANTEEING YOU that by using Money Mentalism IV, The $1000 Per Hour Subliminal Video for only 10 Minutes Per Day is equivalent to working HARD for 10 HOURS.  In other words, you do this for 10 minutes per day and YOU WILL receive the same BENEFITS — in terms of Time, Money, Fun & Love — as you would without using Money Mentalism IV, The $1000 Per Hour Subliminal Video.

It's all been done 1000′s of times and this is nothing new. These Secret Mentalism Rituals have been around since the beginning of time.

"Pray As If You Have, So You Will Receive". Mark 11:24 is the earliest evidence of this…

This is THE ONLY way to get a 100% RETURN on YOUR Time. This 10-Minute Ritual, if done daily and consistently, will PAY YOU FREE MONEY!!

Let's say, for example, that you make $10.00 per hour…

Watch this when you start your day…   for 10 minutes and YOU GIVE YOURSELF A RAISE TO $1000 BUCKS PER HOUR!!!

Could You Handle $1000.00 Per Hour?

For the sake of brevity…   the bottom line is Money Mentalism IV, The $1000 Per Hour Subliminal Video will GIVE YOU a 100% return on your time…   in the form of money, love, sex, fun…   or *ANY* other outcome YOU choose… THIS IS GUARANTEED!

There is a problem with Money Mentalism IV, The $1000 Per Hour Subliminal Video.

We ONLY have a few hundred of these available due to licensing agreements we have in place.

If you are sincerely passionate about making $1,000 Per Hour, YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD THIS RIGHT AT THIS VERY SECOND!

Secure Your Copy Quickly & Click Here To Download Now
We quite possibly could be sold out by the time you read this email.

In a word…   HURRY!!!

Secure Your Copy Quickly & Click Here To Download Now

Since there are no resale rights to Money Mentalism IV, The $1000 Per Hour Subliminal Video — THE ONLY Place you can get this is right here on this email…   Right Now — Today!!

You have NO RISK! There is a 60 day guarantee on this where you can try it for 60 days without risk.

The ONLY way this won't work is if you aren't passionate enough about making $1000 Per Hour to spend 10 Minutes Per Day for 60 Consecutive Days Straight.

This will probably be done by the time you get this email, but click this link to see if it's still available…

Secure Your Copy Quickly & Click Here To Download Now

Shawna Thomas of Seattle, WA USA had this to say:

"Nelson THIS is incredible! I have used this for 60 days straight and have had the best 2 months of my life. When I started "The 10 Minute Ritual", I was driving a "beater" and NOW I'm in a Brand New Mercedes!! This is CRAZY! For me, it REALLY TOOK OFF at day 23! I took in about $50,000 in CASH in the last 60 Days! If you haven't tried this yet DO IT NOW!"

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Here is what YOUR subconscious will believe after watching Money Mentalism IV, The $1000 Per Hour Subliminal Video:

- I Make $1000 Per Hour!
- My Mentalism Power is Strong & Forceful!
- My Desire, Passion & Results Improve Daily!
- My Positive Power & Energy is Obvious to Me AND Those Around Me!
- People can FEEL My Power in Their Presence!
- My Life is Filled With Luxury, Fun, Excitement & Love!
- My Ability to Attract Money is EASY NOW!
- I use "The 10- Minute Ritual" Daily and MY life Drastically Improves Each Time!
- I LOVE MY POWER! I Nurture & Grow It Daily!
- I Take Action on my Intuition Immediately, Right Now — Today!

Secure Your Copy Quickly & Click Here To Download Now

With Respect,

Nelson Berry
Subliminal Video Messages

Secure Your Copy Quickly & Click Here To Download Now

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