Subliminal Messages in Advertising

Subliminal Messages in Advertising
Subliminal Messages in Advertising

Monday, August 2, 2010

Money Mentalism V, The Top .01% Subliminal Video

Money Mentalism V, The Top .01% Subliminal Video

Money Mentalism V, The Top .01% Subliminal Video

When you focus on CASH, what do you think you will get?


99.99% of people are focused on cash or some variation of what they might do with it.

Whether you like to hear them or not, here are the FACTS!  The Bottom Line!

- The Top .01% has so much money they don't even care.
- The 20% right below that are making 80% of the money.
- The other 80% below that get to share in the remaining 20% of income!

How would you like to quit your job and just walk away completely and totally financially independent & secure?

Here's what Janie Thomas of Columbus, OH USA had to say:

"I watched and listened to "The Top .01% Subliminal Video" every day, in 10 minute sessions, for 2 months straight. After 2 weeks, everyone around me noticed a change in my demeanor. By the 3rd week… to make a long story short… I'm NOW making about 20 TIMES what I was making at my job and don't even have to show up. I made $40,000 last month compared to my average $1750 I was making before…   ONLY 2 MONTHS!"

Click Here To Secure Your Copy of Money Mentalism V, The Top .01% Subliminal Video Right Now

The problem with most people is that, although they are focused on money…   They are not "correctly focused" using the subliminal factor…   the subconscious factor…  some call it the unconscious.

Anyone trying to do anything:

- Attract Money

- Find Love

- Lose Weight

- Feel Better

- Achieve More Confidence

- Have More Sex…   You name it…

You ABSOLUTELY MUST use the subconscious method to do it. 80% of us are as focused as possible on getting _____________ (you name it — fill in the blank), yet we aren't correctly focused and most of us do not get it done.

Click Here To Secure Your Copy of Money Mentalism V, The Top .01% Subliminal Video Right Now

I've personally talked and worked with thousands of people who have spent their ENTIRE LIFE trying to achieve something and they just can't do it regardless of how hard they try. They are "trying" all right, they just aren't "trying correctly" with Subliminal Videos along with the 10-Minute Ritual.

Released Today: Money Mentalism V, The Top .01% Subliminal Video!

In this Subliminal Video, we are talking in Billions…   mot measly millions…  BILLIONS!

After watching Money Mentalism V, The Top .01% Subliminal Video, YOU…

- Think, Talk, Act & Attract "Billion Dollar Opportunities"
- YOU FEEL completely comfortable and relaxed with the image of "I AM A BILLIONAIRE"!
- You engage the subconscious factor which "magically" drags you towards The Top .01%!
- You are very keen & focused on ALL opportunities and intuitively KNOW which ones to pursue and which ones to avoid.
- When YOU catch the tiniest bit of intuitive inspiration from ANY opportunity – YOU TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATELY…   Right Now…   Today!!

With this new release, we have the same problem as we had with the previous 4…   and that is a limited supply.  The licensing agreement that we have only allows us to transfer a few hundred of these.

Click Here To Secure Your Copy of Money Mentalism V, The Top .01% Subliminal Video Right Now


The Subliminal, Subconscious and Unconscious Messages in The Top .01% Subliminal Video:

- I Am A Billionaire!
- My Income Rises Immediately & Exponentially!
- My Intuitive Sensitivity actually shows ME the correct path to take and Guides Me!
- My relationship to this "God-Like-Force" of attraction, good luck, specific guidance and direction clearly leads me in the "right" direction!
- My Power and Force Become Stronger & Stronger each day!
- My "Monetary Mind Power Mentalism" directs, controls and aligns me with "Opportunities of a Lifetime"…   Quickly!
- I am Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams and am perfectly comfortable with this!
- I am exposed to Billion Dollar Opportunities daily during my normal course of Living!
- I think Billion Dollar Thoughts and approach, evaluate and excel to the correct decision quickly and confidently!
- I take action immediately on ALL things that are good for me and will help others!

Click Here To Secure Your Copy of Money Mentalism V, The Top .01% Subliminal Video Right Now

Your Risk Here is Zilch!

You can download it, try it out for 60 days and will ALWAYS have a 100% no-questions-asked refund opportunity within 60 days for ANY REASON… or No Reason at All.  You don't even have to talk to us to get it refunded (Although we DO want to hear from you for ANY reason).  You simply contact clickbank with a simple refund request and you get a refund ASAP….  No-Questions-Asked.

Click Here To Secure Your Copy of Money Mentalism V, The Top .01% Subliminal Video Right Now

With Respect,
Nelson Berry
Subliminal Video Messages
PS. Remember, we only have a few hundred of these and they will sell out quickly.  If you want to try this, you must Act Quickly – Right Now – Today!

Click Here To Secure Your Copy of Money Mentalism V, The Top .01% Subliminal Video Right Now

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