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Monday, February 14, 2011

Chronic Depression: What Do You Know about It?

Chronic Depression: What Do You Know about It?


Every human being is vulnerable to something, may it be a tragedy, memory, traumatic event, or stress. Though we strive to be happy, sometimes we can't help but feel sad and lonely.


Usually, these negative emotions don't stay for a long time. We tend to have the ability to find something joyful or gratifying. But this is not the case with more than a million men and women. They have to spend a lot of their time dealing with dysthymia, also referred to as chronic depression.


What Is Chronic Depression?


Depression is a medical mental condition. Though it's often triggered by a sad or traumatic memory or event, it is sometimes caused by an alteration in the brain chemistry. For example, if the production of serotonin or dopamine is low, it may lead to mood swings and sad feelings.


There are many types of depression, depending on its characteristics and severity. Manic depression is described as extreme feelings of mania and depression. Major depression is the most serious type and influences the way the sufferer lives his or her life. Then there's chronic depression, which is the milder form the illness.


A lot of those who have this still live quite normal lives, though they often find themselves lonelier than usual. It is referred to as chronic since it tends to last for a very long time, even years.


What Are the Symptoms for Depression?


The symptoms of chronic depression are very similar to those of other kinds, except that they are more moderate and tolerable. They also happen for extended periods.


You may have chronic depression if you experience any or all of the following:


  • Feeling of hopelessness and helplessness
  • Feeling of being guilty and unworthy
  • Lack of concentration
  • Temporary memory loss
  • Change in eating habits and bowel movements
  • Physical pain such as migraines and back pains
  • Mood swings
  • More moments of sadness and loneliness


Living with Depression


Managing depression is not that easy, but it's achievable. There are two possible treatments you can pursue: conventional and natural.


Conventional treatments mean the intake of depression meds such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs. They increase the level of serotonin for mood uplift. Doctors may also give you tricyclic antidepressants or TCAs and monoamine oxidase inhibitors or MAOIs.


Like any drug, though, these do carry certain side effects. For instance, men who are taking SSRIs may experience lower sexual performance and desire. There's also the possibility of medication overdose. Thus, depression medications should never be taken without close supervision from the doctor.


Meanwhile you can choose natural methods of treatment. You have depression counseling or talk therapy (psychotherapy), where a facilitator helps a person and/or his or her family deal with the ups and downs of chronic depression. 


Subliminal messages are also often used with cognitive-behavioral therapy, which affects the behavior and emotion of the sufferer. They aim to change the thinking pattern of the depressed individual. Some of the common examples of subliminal messages:


I can do this.

I have a lot of reasons to be happy.

I am a blessed person.

I am surrounded by angels.

The light of God shines upon me.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!


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