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Monday, February 14, 2011

Clinical Depression: What Is It?

Clinical Depression: What Is It?


Everybody goes through depression at least once in his or her lifetime. However, a number of them recover from it afterward. In fact, their depression doesn't last for a very long time, only for a few days or weeks.


If depression persists for a very long period, starts to affect all aspects of a person's well-being, and prevents one from functioning properly, then it's no ordinary mental disorder. It is already clinical depression.


What is clinical depression?


According to American Psychiatric Association, there are more than 17 million adults diagnosed with clinical depression every year. Moreover, around 3 percent of the clinically depressed commit suicide, and 60 percent of those who will commit suicide has another mental problem aside from depression.


The high percentage of clinically depressed individuals is caused by several factors. For one, a lot are often left undiagnosed or untreated. Further not everyone has a good idea about clinical depression, so the treatments are not that effective.


How different is clinical depression from temporary sadness? Temporary sadness is what it is—temporary. After that, your mood picks up, and you're back to your old self again. On the other hand, a lot of those who are clinically depressed don't even know the reason why they're sad in the first place. Their illness interferes the way they live. They no longer pursue the same activities and often have several negative thoughts such as suicide.


What are the common symptoms of clinical depression?


The clinical depression symptoms can appear physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.


You most likely have clinical depression if you're having sleeping problems, headaches, digestion problems, muscle pains, lethargy, persistent need to cry, feeling of hopelessness and helplessness, irritability, agitation, and anxiety. You lose the interest to a lot of activities and cannot concentrate or remember certain information.


Note that these symptoms should persist or last for a long time before you can say that you may be clinically depressed.


What are the typical clinical depression treatments?


Therapists and doctors have a lot of options for clinical depression treatments. Usually, they prefer antidepressants, which boost the level of serotonin or happy hormone in the body. They also offer counseling or psychotherapy, where patients are taught how to deal with their mood disorder more effectively.


They may sometimes be admitted to hospitals, especially if they inflict harm on themselves or others.


It's also possible to use a series of affirmations or subliminal messages. Subliminal messages are powerful statements that can change your manner of thinking. They can influence the way your mind works by reducing the effects of negative thoughts on you. They may also fill your mind up with positivity, which uplifts your mood.


Anyone who's clinically depressed can use subliminal messages or affirmations. They are completely safe and are compatible with the other above-mentioned treatments.


You can also use them together with visualization. In visualization you are asked to create positive images in your mind, which will be your source of inspiration and motivation to conquer the illness.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!


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